Thursday, August 18, 2011


     My second semester of Nursing School started Monday. For some reason, I am just tickled pink this time around. I got a B last semester for my Fundamentals class and I was so upset because I had my heart set on an A. I guess that comes from being an overachiever. (I pray to God alot about that character flaw of mine.) Anyway, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't want to quit. I felt so ashamed of this because I prayed for years for God to help me become a Nurse.

    After much trepidation, I drove to school. I wanted to spend more time with my kiddos but I knew it was time. When we started lecture, I became euphoric. I was able to grasp concepts easier and my instructors are wonderful. All those disease processes and signs and symptoms. I loved it! I LOVE IT. I couldn't wait to get home and share my new found knowledge with my kids.

    The best part of my day, however, was when I got home. My babies were there waiting for me. The best part is they are healthy and beautiful. I teared up a little because the good Lord sure did bless me beyond belief. Nothing else compares. I used to want to just put them off on their Grandmas and have time to myself. I couldn't wait to be rid of a few kids for the weekend. How awful is that? Now... I love being their Mama. God entrusted them to me. Me of all people. All I want to do is be with them all the time. Unless I'm at school of course

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